Friday, November 5, 2010

Informative Series Final

After solidifying the overall concept in my final sketches, the next decision I faced was choosing my color palette. Seeing that we had the limitation of using only variations of one hue, I knew I wanted to work with either a burnt orange to resemble peanut butter or a plum to resemble jelly. I ended up selecting burnt orange. As you can see, my final work remained very similar to my final sketches. However, some changes I made include the removal of the hamburger from the poster, color separation between the visual and text components and a campaign logo. 

I am extremely happy with the final product. I think all three pieces are cohesive, but also offer sufficient variety as well. Obviously, the cohesiveness is apparent in the color palette, typography treatments, illustrative style, hierarchy of information and layout. The variety can be seen in the different tints and shades used from the pure hue in each design, the different images, ratios (numbers and symbols), supporting text and layout orientation. Furthermore, I think that the design is playful, eye-catching and clever and the message is simple, straightforward and logical. I believe the campaign would draw the attention of any parent if they were to see the advertisement at a grocery store, in a parenting magazine, or on the highway as they head home from work. 


  1. Emily, I really like how cohesive your pieces turned out. As a series, it works great. The relationship between your poster and magazine side ad are strong, with the repetition and fraction statement. They also play into one another with the addition of the chicken in the ad and the subtraction of a visual element in the poster. I think the sign really improved by simply editing and adjusting the color of the text under "PBJ". The campaign identity looks very professional, but still playful, which is perfect for your audience. My favorite piece in your series is the poster – I love the repetition and variety of the pieces of bread. It also creates really nice negative space in the bottom right corner. I would expect to see this quality of a campaign in the real world – really nice work.

  2. Your series turned out great! The color palette is awesome and really relates to the concept and mood being conveyed.I like the way you offset the outlines and color of your illustrations and text. That detail suggests playfulness and has been executed effectively. I also like your use of a colored background and cohesive color block of information. It connects the pieces and helps with the hierarchy of information. All in all, really great work and twist on your initial PB&J time poster!

  3. Great work on this series, Emily. One note – it would be helpful to be able to see the pieces in a larger format. Look into the "pages" option of your blog so that you could present this final series with greater detail.
